Sunday, April 3, 2011

Wedding Schedule

Ceremony: 4 p.m. Saturday July 30, 2011
Our ceremony will be held outdoors, rain or shine, so please dress accordingly! We will be having a receiving line following the ceremony.

Irvine Park 
281 Walnut St.
St. Paul, MN  
Irvine Park Parking Map 
Map to Irvine Park 

Reception: 5 p.m. Saturday July 30, 2011
There will be no official dress code in effect, so please feel free to come in casual dress or formal wear that you'll feel comfortable enough to dance in.

Wabasha Street Caves
Wabasha Street South
St. Paul, MN 
Map to Wabasha Street Caves

Gift Opening: 10 a.m. Sunday July 31, 2011
There will be a gift opening on Sunday morning at the Hilton Garden Inn following breakfast.  All are welcome! This is an open invitation event.


  1. Hey Liz & Joe! Have to ask - the time on this site and the invitation for both the wedding & reception are an hour different - is it 4 and 5 or 5 and 6? I'm sure you know by now the invites say "May 30,2011" but I know the site has that right! Let me know for sure on the time so we're not late or early, whichever the case may be!

    Plus - have to say I love the theme invites - really cool and clever. Where on earth did you get those old stamps?! WOW!

    Love, Kris
    (Kristen Hirsch Montag)

  2. Thanks, Kris. I corrected the time for you- the ceremony is at 4 and the reception at 5.

    I bought the stamps on eBay. I have quite the stamp collection.
